The Mini French Bulldog breed took the world by a storm. This breed became one of the most popular breeds in the world.
A Mini French Bulldog is a standard French Bulldog that got bred down to a smaller size.
There are other names associated with this phenomenon such as the micro French Bulldog or teacup Frenchies.
All these terms essentially carry the same meaning. A smaller version of the standard Frenchie dog we all know and love.

Mini French Bulldogs For Sale
It is important to mention we are only talking about the mini Frenchie being advertised and sold as a full breed we are not talking about the crossbreeds of a French Bulldogs for sale with other breeds.
While miniature dogs are appealing and well desired, a miniature French Bulldog can suffer not only from health problems associated with the breed but also problems associated with miniaturization.
Anyone considering a teacup Frenchie should do their research and should be well aware of the health issues and potential cost of lifelong care.
This fact makes it unethical for breeders to breed the mini Frenchie. The French Bulldogs for sale is not a member of the toy dog group (e.g. Chihuahua, Maltese, mini bulldog, Pomeranian, Micro bully for sale etc).
It is unnatural to miniaturize them further. A standard-sized French Bulldog is about 11-13 inches tall and weighs just under 28 pounds. Off course there are exceptions to this rule, this is just a general guideline of the standard size Frenchie.

Djina | Girl | 09 Weeks | $1300 $1200 | Available
Dad’s Weight: 13 Lbs
Mum’s Weight: 11.5 Lbs
Variant: Mini French Bulldog
Registry: AKC

Marcus | Boy | 09 Weeks | $1300 $1200 | Available
Dad’s Weight: 13 Lbs
Mum’s Weight: 11.5 Lbs
Variant: Mini French Bulldog
Registry: AKC

Stephen | Boy | 09 Weeks | $1300 $1200 | Available
Dad’s Weight: 13 Lbs
Mum’s Weight: 11.5 Lbs
Variant: Mini French Bulldog
Registry: AKC

Soja | Boy | 09 Weeks | $1300 $1200 | Available
Dad’s Weight: 13 Lbs
Mum’s Weight: 11.5 Lbs
Variant: Mini French Bulldog
Registry: AKC

Sonia | Girl | 09 Weeks | $1300 $1200 | Available
Dad’s Weight: 13 Lbs
Mum’s Weight: 11.5 Lbs
Variant: Mini French Bulldog
Registry: AKC

Beka | Girl | 09 Weeks | $1300 $1200 | Available
Dad’s Weight: 13 Lbs
Mum’s Weight: 11.5 Lbs
Variant: Mini French Bulldog
Registry: AKC
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There are breeders who claim they breed Merle Mini French Bulldog puppies ethically
Please read below how breeders achieve the mini version of a Frenchie puppy and make the determination yourself. All we can say is beware of these breeders.
It is the most well known trick in the book to use words such as “rare” “exotic” “teacup” ” merle mini french bulldog ” and so forth to justify the large price tag for a dog that doesn’t meet the AKC breed standards.
How do breeders achieve the mini French Bulldog Puppies?
Predominate Frenchie canines
Playing the job of god to their hands – Developing the dwarfism transformation quality in a line of French Bulldogs. Dwarfism is a skeletal problem that prompts ongoing torment in canines and medical conditions connected with abbreviated spinal vertebrae, bowed legs, unusual skull and facial bone construction.
Breeding the Mini French Bulldog runts
Behaving recklessly – Reproducing pipsqueaks is likely quite possibly of the most unfortunate rearing practice. Half-pints are the littlest and most fragile in a litter. Continued rearing of the littlest and most fragile is just requesting inconvenience.
if you love the thought of Mini English bulldogs, then you are up for a real treat! The Award Winning Frenchei Micro Mini Bulldog has been giving French Bulldog Tea Cup pups a run for their money! Not only are Frenchel Micro Mini bulldogs likely to live up to 20 years, they enjoy stellar health without breathing issues!
Teacup French Bulldogs are really fun dogs. It is sad that they suffer so many of the same ills and health problems as the regular size French Bulldogs, sometimes more. They are fraught with allergies, cancer, spinal issues, knee issues, breathing problems and other health issues. That’s why you have to get an insurance policy particular to the English and Merle French Bulldog breed as they expect it will have need of vet care so the policy reflects that in its services.
Crossbreeding French Bulldogs with Chihuahuas
Calculated deception – Crossbreed of a French Bulldog with an alternate, more modest canine variety then re-reproducing until the vibes of a full French Bulldog that is more modest is met, generally by second or third era. Promoted and sold as a full variety despite the fact that DNA will show the canine is certainly not a full variety.
The Bullhuahua – Teacup French Bulldog Chihuahua Mix
The French Bulldog Chihuahua blend otherwise called a French Bullhuahua has become more well known in the reproducing scene lately.
Raisers crossbreed the French Bulldog with an alternate, more modest canine variety to accomplish the little Frenchie look.
The Teacup Frenchie Chihuahua hybrid dog appearance
We can’t completely foresee the presence of the French Bullhuahua and each rearing will be unique. Each reproducing of this crossover can result on additional attributes of either parent breed.
Some will seem to be French Bulldogs, and a few additional like Chihuahuas. The French Bullhuahua is normally a little canine, and can weigh somewhere in the range of 7 lbs to 23 lbs.
They normally have a stocky, strong body and the mark bat-ears that spread the word.
Expected lifespan of the miniature French Bulldog:
The American Pet hotel Club proposes the standard French Bulldog holds a life expectancy of 11 to 13 years. It is difficult to foresee the life expectancy of a smaller than usual Frenchie and it will rely upon what medical problems they are having concerning their qualities and rearing history.
It is conceivable in uncommon events for a small Frenchie to live as long as the standard French Bulldog be that as it may, it is impossible.
How much does a teacup French Bulldog puppy cost?
“intriguing” “fascinating” “teacup” “scaled down” “miniature” all have a shared factor. The sticker price. Each time a raiser alludes to a canine in those terms you can expect the sticker price of the canine to twofold or triple than typical inquiring.
We accept that underlying expense is just the start. Assuming you will address that underlying high steep cost label you ought to set yourself up to pay tremendous long lasting clinical/vet bills too.
Mini French Bulldog dog alternative:
There are numerous options in contrast to the smaller than usual Frenchie. Before you burn through a large number of dollars for a variety that was scaled down against AKC norms and will undoubtedly have long lasting medical problems which will set you up for many sorrows kindly think about all choices.
1. Consider a French Bulldog crossbreed with less acquired medical conditions. A French Bulldog crossbreed can be an extraordinary option in contrast to a smaller than expected Frenchie in the event that you investigate as needs be and pick a trustworthy reproducer who tests generally their rearing stock for any acquired medical issue.
Instances of such crossbreeds can incorporate yet not restricted to:
The French Boodle – Crossbreed between French Bulldog and Poodle.
The Frengle – Crossbreed between French Bulldog and Beagle.
Crossbreedbetween French Bulldog and Yorkshire Terrier.
Frenchei- Crossbreed between French bulldog and Carefree Lord Charles spaniel.
Frenchton – crossbreed between French Bulldog and Boston Terrier